my thoughts at the moment

Someone asked me, "How's life?"
I have no choice but answer him, "It's still OK."
Maybe my close friends will say that i'm fucking funny. (yea i do agree on this)
but i'm not really that happy.
I was like: "If i can be that funny, why i don't bring happiness to everyone?"
At least they will enjoy funny moments by me.

I don't really wanna talk bout my family to be honest.
My father was like..doesn't care about me at all.
Ah, my mother in UK. She's busy with work, i understand that.
I got NO MONEY if i wanna go out. If my father is here, he would've given me some.
Somebody suggested: "save money laa."
I don't even got enough money to EAT at school. How sarcasm ?!
My exist in this world could be a wrong choice.
My life doesn't suck with my friends, but talk about my family.. forget about it.