
Today I would like to share about a story between two young men.

On 2009, they have met each other through the internet, and subsequently they grew up and became best friends, and later, brotherhood. Throughout the years, they shared pains and gains, and their friendship has evolved stronger.

They dream big, and were both longing for success, and wealth. Occasionally they would always shared business plan with each other, and enhancing it. The duos have been in this loop for years, and went back to drawing board more than a pair of hands can count of.

There's a saying that when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

Finally, they have successfully opened up their first company, AVAIL TRADING & SERVICES, on Seventh day of August.

Quoted Neil Armstrong:

This is a one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.

May this be the kickstart of every remarkable dream thereafter.

Dream on & cheers,